Saturday 8 May 2010


Communique by Fernando, imprisoned anarchist in Thessaloniki (Greece)
Because we aren´t satisfied with a life full of stupid illusions, nor are we happy with a life of “we’ll see when the holidays come...”, “let´s see when the bell rings and another day of torture is over at last...”, “let´s see when the weekend comes...”, “let´s see if I can win the lottery...” ; because we´ve learned we’re born to be free and happy; because they can´t continue to cheat us and keep us submissive with their democratic lies; because we are disputing this society from its foundations, the function of the prisons, the existence of the police, the necessity of work...; because we don´t draw a distinction between what we want and what we desire; because we strike the State with all our rage and without scruples just as it does us; because we have taken notice of the deceptive ways permitted by those who want us to just walk, feigning being offensive: left wingers, NGO´s, all kinds of syndicalists, base Christians...; because we refuse that road to nothingness, because we want everything, because we want it now, because we are anarchists and our love of freedom is presented as a terrorist crime.
Because of that, the State captures its hostages and this time it was our turn. We know what we are exposed to when we try to break our chains, also when we remove the band that covers our eyes which makes us hit our heads against the wall. The band of permitted protests, of the useless and self-defeating reforms, tied by the same people that want to bargain with our oppressors.
There´s nothing to bargain with power, nor can we keep accepting this role of satisfied spectator-slave any more as they want. Nor we can let them deviate our attention on to the causes of the conflict like a puppet show, keeping our ideas under control, shouting what they tell us and as they tell us and ignoring what is happening below because there is a sandpaper band covering our eyes.
It´s hard to see and feel repression, torture and humiliation, but it is even harder to ignore it. We must be curious, naughty children. Solidarity between us, the exploited, as I understand, must be the continuation of the struggle in which we have been captured. Only the end of prisons, therefore the end of Capital and the State will prevent the risk of falling in prison.
While there are prisoners, there´s no freedom (or peace).
Long live anarchy! Long live freedom!
“Things are what they can and must be, they are what the fatality of existence and we ourselves have done with them. Life is a war; the social struggle is a mercilessly battle, and when we are defeated, we mustn’t spill teasr but begin again”.
Alexander Marius Jacob
Anarchist, professional robber

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