Saturday 8 May 2010


Because we don’t plan to be simple spectators of another show by the European Union’s criminal company.
Their integration means unification of their institutions and mechanisms. And this means the strengthening of repression and exploitation.
It’s been a year and a half since the economic unification of European countries and the planning of European authoritarians concerning federal structures are rapidly moving on.
Already, in the name of social peace, defence and the anti-terrorist crusade, the united European Information Agency has been created (which, besides its political action within the E.U., will act abroad along with European Union’s Military Commission), the united development of European Justice known as EUROJUST has been formed and the EUROPOL is being transformed into European FBI.
What’s left for them is to agree to compose a European constitution, which they will go for during the summit in Thessalonica. At the same time they continue to move towards building a war machine (European army), which will allow them to apply their political decisions for new looting and slaughter.
We are not welcoming our enemies.
And we don’t forget that the wannabe fixers will take the place determined by the rulers yet again. All those who have participated in open and non-open negotiation aimed at not disrupting the regular functioning of the summit. All those who talk about an alternative globalization, giving their credentials, declaring that it is time for demonstrations to stop…
So, while the enemies are gathering outside the city, the fixers will be playing a strategic game as supporters of resignation of every kind appear, willing to enter the political game and silently contribute to order. It’s the pomposity of the slave who applauses slavery, at the same time as terror in every form is becoming the means for every form of slavery to prevail in the new “globalization era”.
However, from Amsterdam to Seattle, from Prague, Genoa and Evian, the summits of G8, IMF, World Bank, NATO, E.U. and WTO, were faced for what they really are. A gathering of all those come to seal up the extermination and poverty of all the people on the planet. All those who, during the 90’s, strangled in blood the hundreds of “hunger revolts” from Kinshasa to Jakarta, from Chiapas and Argentina, to Pakistan and India. All those who, after the end of the so-called “cold war” and the 11th September attacks continue their crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, and not only, this time through the crusade against “terrorism”. An enemy, invisible as they say, without borders, an enemy to which they don’t even grant the “title” of  “belligerent”.
They’re not just unwanted, they are enemies.
That’s why we don’t plan to go with the logic of defeatism and silent compromise, leading to new slaughters, tighter chains, thousands of refugees.
That’s why we will continue to refuse to tolerate politics that muzzle and guide fiery tempers who confront anything that preserves and reproduces repression and exploitation with all means.
Because we believe that the “new age” is vainly trying to wipe out the words revolution, rebellion, social self-defence.
The Greek State, attuned with the above logic, goes on fighting so-called terrorism (arrests of fighters, torture, military courts for the action of the revolutionary organization November 17th and the Revolutionary Popular Struggle), trying to sow fear and defeatism, and continues to attack society as a whole. The Greek State’s integration with the E.U. and the notorious development of the Greek economy has passed through the expulsion and merciless persecution of immigrants. It is passing through the tension of social inequality, thousands of homeless and outcasts of the “development miracle”.
Since remorse won’t stop them however,
June 12th 2003
Anarchists’ Coil

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